30. Europe & America, 1800-1870
Slide Assignments (Ch 30) -2 pages long-
Chapter 30 Art Sheets
Chapter 30 Art Cards
Chapter 30 Guide
Romanticism to Realism (from The Visual Arts: A History 4th ed.)
Think about the following from the reading:
1. The article states that "art based on the optimism of the Enlightenment...could not long survive… " Describe why.
2. Describe some of the political, philosophical, and social changes that were occurring at the time. (From the intro of the article.)
3. How do the authors of the article describe Romanticism and its origin?
4. Discuss how Constable, Friedrich, and Baudelaire support or refute they authors description of Romanticism.
5. What is juste milieu? How does The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Delaroche exemplify this?
6. Discuss the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
7. Describe Realism and how Courbet's Burial at Ornans exemplifies the movement.
8. How is Millet similar and different in style and theme to Courbet?
Is Photography Art?
Watch the Crash Course on the French Revolution